What to Read After Harry Potter Series

Early this year, I surveyed my neighborhood kids, “which are your favorite books and which ones you would recommend to your friends?” Harry Potter series came on the top of the list.

I am curious what books they are reading now again and again like reading Harry Potter, and this is what I find.

Wings of Fire series

This series now contains 15 books. When I organized the first book club discussion with kids, it was about Wings of Fire. I was surprised that the discussion was lively without much prompts. The kids like the book so much that they were eager to share what they read, and the part they enjoyed most.

For the first book <The Dragonet Prophecy>, I prepared some questions to help kids summarize the book:

  1. Who are the characters?
  2. What is the setting?
  3. What is the problem?

The story takes place in the land of Pyrrhia, a mystical world entirely inhabited by dragons. There are seven different dragon tribes. They are the Seawings, the Ice wings, the Mudwings, the Skywings, the Sandwings, the Rainwings, and the Nightwings. The dragon tribes are fighting a war called the Sandwing Succession, a war among Sandwing Princesses Burn, Blister, and Blaze, fought for possession of the throne. The main characters of the book are Sunny, Starflight, Glory, Clay, and Tsunami. They are the Dragonets of Destiny, and they have been chosen to end the war because of the Nightwing Prophecy.

I also prepared a trivial game at the end of the session to make it fun experience. They like it so much!

Keeper of the Lost Cities

This series now contains 9 books, and the newest book Stellarlune is coming out on Nov 8th to make it a 10-book collection!

Aimee devoured the 1-5 book set in less than two weeks. Each book is around 500 pages or more! She used all the free time she could get to read the book, such as waiting at the table for the dinner to be ready, sitting in the car to a place, even while walking to the bus station! While I am glad that she finds a book she love, I feel a bit uneasy about her unpaid attention to other things and the heavy use of her eyes.

Which books are your kids are reading after Harry Potter?